Landing Pages

What is a “Landing Page”?

These are the pages we have created as short URL Links to the site to find certain things easily without having to type a long string of text into the address bar.

All pages are also under the Library Link up in the drop down menu but we figured they should be on this page in case you cannot access that list up above in the menu’s.

We have not decided how to incorporate all of these pages yet so this is the reason for posting this particular page in the Library.

All of our “Landing Pages” will be listed below to make them easy to find, or at least that’s the plan.

These “Landing Pages” will also be the place to have discussions on the topic which the page is being used for, there will be a comment section open at the bottom of every one of these pages and we hope they get used.

29% and 3% Hydrogen Peroxide /h2o2/
Homestead Tools /ht/
Paracord and Accessories /par/
Safety Equipment /se/
Growing From Seed /sg/
Tree Specific Page /tb/
Propagation Trays /trays/
Vegetable Planting Guides /vpg/

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