My Chicken Laid a Tiny Egg

Tiny eggs are essentially a reproductive misfire. They occur when an egg is formed by mistake, without a normal yolk inside. Yolk size determines egg…

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How Much Light for Chicks

General Lighting Information Why is light so important, nature will give them all the light they need! A 2 day power outage in a confined…

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Marek’s Vaccination Explained!

Marek’s Vaccine First Things First regarding Marek’s! Marek’s disease is not a risk to humans or other mammals. Eggs and meat from infected chickens are…

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Can I Sell my Excess Eggs?

That all depends on where you live, check local laws and regulations to ensure compliance in your jurisdiction. BC Rules – Farmers may only sell…

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Should I Wash my Eggs?

No. It’s not necessary or recommended for consumers to wash eggs and may actually increase the risk of contamination because the wash water can be…

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How many Eggs can I expect?

General Answer The best Laying Hens may lay between 80-300 eggs per year. There are many factors which will determine the actual egg count you…

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